
City of Rawlins News - Parking Education Website Launched

Government and Politics

August 29, 2022

From: City Of Rawlins

Parking Education Website Launched
As the City Council and Staff have focused on improving safety and beautification, including education on parking laws, the Rawlins Police Department (RPD) is focusing on parking issues throughout our community. This summer, our officers have started a focused and ongoing effort to educate citizens on our parking ordinances and work with them to fix the violation before any citations are given.  

RPD Chief Mike Ward said “The Rawlins Police Department would rather work cooperatively with the community we serve to gain compliance than to give citations. If you receive a warning or have questions, please call us at 307-328-4530.”

Our parking education website is www.rawlinswy.gov/parkingtips. It includes information on common violations including blocking sidewalks, parking too close to intersections, parking with the vehicle facing traffic, and more. The site includes the wording of the selected ordinances, as well as diagrams and photos. Our education campaign has included this information in direct mailings in the Utility Bill, two City View magazines, and Facebook posts.

When violations are observed, we will continue to attempt to contact residents and educate them one-on-one then provide reasonable time to remedy the issue.  After education efforts have taken place, officers will take appropriate enforcement actions beginning with warnings.  

Our officer’s primary concern is the safety of our citizens, keeping sidewalks open to pedestrians and cyclists, and helping citizens comply with City and State parking regulations.  Officers will attempt to contact citizens with a phone call or at their homes when a violation is observed.  If we are unable to make contact, the officer will leave a notice of the violation on the vehicle.  

If you receive a notice, have a question about the parking codes, or would like to report a parking issue in your neighborhood, please call (307)328-4530 or visit www.rawlinswy.gov/concern and click on “parking concerns.”

Interested in receiving news from the City? Sign up for news via email or text at www.rawlinswy.gov/notifyme under “City of Rawlins News.”  For more information, please contact Mira Miller, City of Rawlins Community Relations/PIO, at 307-328-4500 ext. 1022.

Find the Rawlins Police Department on Facebook