
City Of Rawlins News Law Enforcement Focus On Armed-Aggressor Training

Government and Politics

August 4, 2022

From: City Of Rawlins

With the increase in active shooters in the United States, all Carbon County law enforcement agencies are committed to working together to protect local students, staff, and residents from gun violence. During monthly collaboration meetings hosted by the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office, school and other gun violence preparedness is an ongoing focus.

Sheriff Archie Roybal stated “All of us, as a whole, are always going to work together in this type of situation. We face threats every day, always work together, and we will continue to do that for the citizens of Carbon County.”

City of Rawlins Police Chief Mike Ward said “If any other agencies need help, we will all be there. The protection and preservation of life is the primary part of the oath all law enforcement took. Every life is sacred, and when it comes to children and teachers, we are heavily invested in ensuring the safety of our school environment.”

Law enforcement from Encampment, Hanna, Medicine Bow, Rawlins, Saratoga, and Sinclair all have frequent visits to their local schools. They work to build relationships with the students, help advise and train in the schools, and understand the school layout. All law enforcement agencies in Carbon County, including municipal, county, state, and federal, work collectively and assist each other when necessary. 

The Rawlins Police Department continues to host armed-aggressor training for law enforcement agencies and schools, which focuses on helping identify and mitigate hazards, improve a location’s physical security, and effectively respond to an armed aggressor. The RPD employs three armed-aggressor training officers who are also available to conduct armed-aggressor or all-hazards assessments around Carbon County for public and private agencies. Please call 307-328-4530 to schedule.

In addition, the law enforcement agencies stressed the importance of community education and involvement.

Use the Safe2Tell Wyoming, a confidential tip line to report safety concerns and threats of violence in Wyoming schools. 1-844-996-7233,  www.safe2tellwy.org, and mobile app.
You can call or text 911 anywhere within Carbon County.
In the case of an armed aggressor, please stay back from the scene and not display any weapons. The officers on the scene will be looking for armed suspects, so please keep a safe distance and allow law enforcement to respond. Remember, many officers have family members in the schools.  
All Carbon County schools use the nationally recognized Standard Response Protocol from the “I Love U Guys” Foundation. For more information on the protocol and language used in the schools, visit www.iloveuguys.org/The-Standard-Response-Protocol.html   
Talk about the possibility of violence with family members, and how to respond. Training focuses on three options to take in a shooter situation:
Run – Run away from the gunman and watch for any exit.
Hide –Lock and barricade doors. Try to find an area with additional protection, such as concrete pillars. If you are on the ground, stay on all fours.
Fight – only as a last resort. Use what you can find, such as a fire extinguisher. Plan with those around you.
For more information about this technique, you can watch a 5-minute FBI training video at www.fbi.gov/survive
For more information, you can contact the Carbon County Sheriff's Office at 307-324-2776, the Rawlins Police Department at 307-328-4530, or any Carbon County law enforcement agency. Bigfoot 99 also ran a story with interviews from agencies around the County on June 6, 2022, which can be found at https://bigfoot99.com/bigfoot99-news/local-law-enforcement-emphasizes-collaboration-commitment-to-school-safety/

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