
City Of Middletown: New Property Assessments To Be Sent To Middletown Property Owners

Government and Politics

December 5, 2022

From: City Of Middletown

City of Middletown

New Property Assessments To Be Sent To Middletown Property Owners

The City of Middletown Assessor’s Office announced today that the City has completed its statutorily mandated property revaluation, and that change of assessment notices will be mailed and should be received by City property owners this week.  The 2022 revaluation chronicles a rise in virtually all property values in Middletown since the last revaluation in 2017.

Property owners should not attempt to estimate their 2023-24 tax bill using the new assessment and current mill rate as they will over-estimate the taxes they owe.  The mill rate will be adjusted as part of the budget process beginning in March 2023.

Detailed information for every property in the City of Middletown is publicly available on the internet.  It can be accessed by following the steps below after November 30.

Log onto the City’s website at www.MiddletownCT.gov and go to the Assessor’s page, found under the “Government” link at the top of the page.  Once there choose the “Housing & Property Information” Hot Link,

or go directly to https://gis.vgsi.com/middletownct/.

Property owners who wish to provide additional information or contest their assessment can schedule appointments with Municipal Valuations Services (MuniVal), the company hired by the City to assist the Assessor’s office with the revaluation. To schedule an appointment please go to: www.munival.com/appointments and follow the instructions. If you do not have access to a computer, you may call Municipal Valuation Services at (203) 292-5500 between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM Monday-Friday excluding public holidays. Please keep in mind that the call center operators making the appointments are not qualified to discuss values or parcel data.

Reassessment notices will include all information necessary to schedule an appointment. After the conclusion of the informal reviews, if a property owner still feels that their property was appraised incorrectly, they may file a formal appeal with the local Board of Assessment Appeals before February 17, 2023.  Appeal forms are available online or at the Assessor’s Office.

The revaluation project began in early 2022 and continued through this October.  Employees of MuniVal conducted field inspections of properties, and sent data verification letters to residential property owners, and verified sales data prior to determining the new assessments.

New market values were compiled for all 15,800 parcels in Middletown by considering sales that have taken place in the last two years. The new values reflect the estimated market value as of October 1, 2022. All property in Connecticut is assessed at 70% of value by statute.

The purpose of a revaluation is to establish the current market value of all property within the City as of the assessment date, thereby creating an equitable distribution of property taxes.  Not all properties have changed in value equally since the last revaluation in 2017. Some properties may have deteriorated, while others may have undergone renovations. Once the assessment value for a property has been determined it will remain in effect until the next revaluation in 2027 unless the property is physically altered.

City taxpayers are also reminded that their soon-to-be received revaluation notices will not reflect any exemptions for which they are eligible and have made proper application. Any exemption that has already been granted will be applied prior to the finalization of the Grand List. For greater clarity on potential exemptions, eligibility or the application process, residents should call the Assessor’s Office at 860-638-4930.