
City Of Middletown: Leaf Collection Update - November 29, 2022

Government and Politics

November 30, 2022

From: City Of Middletown

City crews continue to circulate through the city collecting leaves.  Due to truck breakdowns and staff shortages, not all routes have been completed by Nov. 28.  However, please note, if you don't compost and need your leaves picked up, they should be at the curb as of today.  Crews are split up throughout the City and some routes will be starting their second pass through this week.  Office staff cannot tell you when trucks will be on your street. Progress is dependent on weather conditions, how many leaves are at each stop, how many staff are available, other emergencies, and the list goes on.  If you need your leaves removed in a timely manner, residents can bring them, or hire someone to bring them, directly to the recycling center.  Residents can also bag their leaves in brown paper bags to contain them.  Leaves in plastic bags will not be picked up.  Please note, once the crews circulate through streets a second time, which will be starting in some areas this week, they will not come back for a third cycle. Leaves must be at the back side of the curb now to ensure pick up.  It takes weeks and a lot of hard work for our crews to collect leaves from all the public streets in Middletown.  We appreciate your patience and kindness as we continue through this process.