
City Of Madison News - Madison On Track 2045: Comprehensive Plan

Government and Politics

July 27, 2022

From: City Of Madison

The City of Madison's Comprehensive Plan is underway and needs community input! Madison on Track 2045 will be a policy document for use by the community at large to make decisions about future growth. By taking this short survey, your input helps build Madison's future! Results will be used to guide the development of Madison's comprehensive plan. The Comprehensive Plan will serve as a vision for the City, developed by the community, for the community, based on community-wide values and inputs. As such, City leaders, developers, business owners, and citizens can weigh in on Madison's future growth, development, policy and capital improvements. 

Phase I of the project includes extensive community analysis and the preparation of a Community Profile. It is truly foundational, serving as the research, diagnostic, and visioning effort upon which the balance of the plan’s development will rely. A public workshop was held earlier in the year to gather resident analysis and feedback utilizing an interactive web map application, allowing participants to share insights and ideas for planning Madison's future. More community-wide public workshops are planned through an engagement tour around the City of Madison. 

The City's Planning and Development offices have provided the community more information on Madison on Track 2045 available at www.madisonontrack2045.com.