
City Of Hermosa Beach : Council Adopts Economic Development Strategy

Government and Politics

July 15, 2022

From: City Of Hermosa Beach

The Hermosa Beach City Council on Tuesday adopted an Economic Development Strategy that seeks to enhance the City’s business districts, help local businesses thrive, strengthen the economy and improve the quality of life for residents as the region emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic disruptions.

Developed with a wide range of input from business leaders, residents and other stakeholders during two years of meetings, the Economic Development Strategy is a long-term plan with tactics divided into short-term, mid-term and long-term implementation.

“Having served on the Economic Development Committee, I want to personally thank all the members of the committee and the Stakeholders Advisory Working Group, City staff and everyone who helped us envision the path forward for creating more vitality in our business districts and ensuring our local economy can flourish,” said Hermosa Beach Mayor Mike Detoy. “The Economic Development Strategy calls for City staff to regularly update the City Council about its progress in implementing this Strategy and gives us an opportunity to identify new economic development opportunities.”

The Economic Development Strategy includes 30 strategic actions organized into five broad categories: citywide beautification, Downtown enhancements, municipal code amendments, business outreach and a City economic development work program. The Strategy calls for City departments to implement the plan in collaboration with the Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau and, as needed, with the assistance of consultants.

Among the many initiatives outlined in the Economic Development Strategy are the following ones expected to be tackled in the first year of the strategy:

- Develop wayfinding signs: The City will launch a two-phase project to develop wayfinding signs that inform and direct visitors from Pacific Coast Highway, Aviation Boulevard and Artesia Boulevard to the beach, Pier, parking and business districts. The first phase will focus on the content and design of the signage, as well as its look and placement. The second phase, which is not funded yet, will include final design, fabrication and installation of the signs;

- Work with the business community to explore formation of a Downtown Business Improvement District (BID): A BID can fund activities beyond City services that are identified by property owners and/or businesses;

- Focused update of Downtown revitalization strategy: This will update a Downtown plan developed in 2014 and include preservation of Downtown retail stores, restaurants and other active uses on the first floors of businesses;

- Develop identity/vision for Downtown: As part of this process, the City will also incorporate the City’s brand into Downtown marketing plans and future improvements;

- Conduct comprehensive Downtown lighting evaluation: In the first year, the City will identify current lighting and community needs and preferences for Downtown lighting. The City will then develop a detailed request for design and construction funding for Downtown lighting;

- Take steps needed if City decides to make outdoor dining and lane reconfiguration program permanent: The temporary program has been extended to January 1, 2023, allowing the City time to conduct further analysis, including review as required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

- Consider allowing outdoor music at businesses permanently: The strategy asks the City Council to make permanent the current temporary program that allows outdoor music at commercial establishments between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.;

- Regular communication with key property owners to encourage reinvestment and provide support: The strategy calls for meeting four times a year with property owners of prime commercial sites to discuss status and opportunities;

- Launch a “Shop Local” program: This program would be similar to other cities’ programs but would feature Hermosa’s unique attributes; and

- Encourage event organizers to use local vendors: The City will encourage event organizers to contract with local businesses for event promotion, catering, hair and makeup, and other needed services. 

For more information, please read the entire Economic Development Strategy here.