
City of Belmont News - Draft 2023-2030 Housing Element and Environmental Impact Review

Government and Politics

August 12, 2022

From: City of Belmont

Hello Belmont Housing Stakeholder:

The 45-day public review period for the draft 2023-30 Housing Element and CEQA Programmatic Environmental Impact Report will end Monday, Aug. 15.

On Jul. 26, the Belmont City Council directed staff to route the draft Housing Element to the State Department of Housing & Community Development (HCD), following incorporation of the Belmont Planning Commission's recommended revisions. Once HCD has reviewed and commented on the Plan, both the Planning Commission and City Council will hold public hearings to review and adopt the final documents. As an interested party, we will continue to keep you appraised of this process.

For more information and ways to provide feedback, please visit www.belmont.gov/housingelement.

Learn More

Jennifer Rose
Housing & Economic Development Manager
[email protected]