
City of Auburn News - Auburn Public Library Hosts Two Events With Author Lisa Mcnair

Government and Politics

September 2, 2022

From: City of Auburn

AUBURN, Ala.- The Auburn Public Library is pleased to host two presentations by author Lisa McNair on Tuesday, Sept. 27. She will speak at the Boykin Community Center at 10 a.m., and she will speak at the Auburn Public Library at 6 p.m.

McNair will discuss her upcoming memoir, “Dear Denise: Letters to the Sister I Never Knew,” set to be released Sept. 13. “Dear Denise” is a collection of forty letters from Lisa addressed to the sister she never knew that offers an intimate look into the life of a family touched by one the most heinous tragedies of the Civil Rights Movement.

Birmingham native Lisa McNair is the younger sister of Denise McNair, one of the four girls killed in the infamous 1963 bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in Birmingham. Raised in Birmingham, Lisa attended public and private schools and attended college at the University of Alabama, both the Tuscaloosa and Birmingham campuses. She worked 18 years at the Greater Birmingham Convention & Visitors Bureau promoting tourism and was instrumental in helping to develop Civil Rights Historic Tours in the greater Birmingham area.

She is also a national public speaker under her own business, Speak Lisa. Lisa shares the story of Denise’s life, her heinous murder and how it affected her parents and the city of Birmingham. She also speaks on racial unity and how we must all remember that as human beings we have more things in common than we have that are different. As part of that work, she conducts anti-racism workshops.

Lisa hopes that the lesson’s learned from the Civil Rights Movement and the lives lost will never be forgotten but always present to help us to remember never to repeat the horrible evilness of that time.

To reserve your copy of “Dear Denise: Letters to the Sister I Never Knew” or for more information about McNair’s presentation, please call the Library at 334-501-3190.

Happy 75th Anniversary, Auburn Public Library! The Auburn Public Library was established in 1947 to serve the residents of Auburn, Alabama. Today, the Auburn Public Library provides residents with a collection that reflects the diverse and dynamic interests of our community, with access to public technology and information resources and with programs and activities that contribute to an engaged, literate and informed society. The Auburn Public Library is located at 749 E. Thach Ave.