
City Of American Canyon - Notice of Extended Comment Period of a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Giovannoni Logistics Center Project

Government and Politics

June 14, 2022

From: City Of American Canyon

Public comment on this document is invited for an extended 60-day period from

May 20, 2022, through July 20, 2022.

More information is provided below.

PROJECT LOCATION: The semi-rectangular project site is bounded by industrial development in the Green Island Business Park (west), the Napa Logistics Project and Devlin Road (north), the Napa Branch Line (east), and Green Island Road, a stone supply business, and a wine distribution warehouse (south).

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed Giovannoni Logistics Center consists of the development up to 2.4 million square feet of high cube warehouse on a 208-acre site. The two-phase project will include an approximately 45-acre wetland preserve.

SIGNIFICANT IMPACTS: The Draft EIR identifies significant impacts in the following California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) environmental issue areas:

-Aesthetics, Light, and Glare
-Air Quality
-Biological Resources
-Cultural Resources/Tribal Cultural   Resources
-Geology, Soils, and Seismicity
-Greenhouse Gas Emissions

-Hazards and Hazardous Materials
-Hydrology and Water Quality
-Land Use
-Public Services
-Utilities and Service Systems

ADDRESS WHERE COPY OF DRAFT EIR IS AVAILABLE: The Draft EIR and other project materials are available for public review and download on the City of American Canyon website at https://www.CityofAmericanCanyon.org/Review.  Printed copies of the document are available for public review at the following locations during normal business hours: