
City Of American Canyon Neighborhood Watch Newsletter: December 2022

Government and Politics

December 10, 2022

From: City Of American Canyon


I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and could spend quality time with friends and family. We are in full swing of the holiday season, which means Christmas shopping and holiday parties. Officer Patterson and I had a wonderful time at the Reindeer Run and Magic of the Season Parade. Even though it rained, it was still a great time.

This time of year, criminals often take advantage of the large amount deliveries of packages. If you order online or send gifts to loved ones, please use a work address if possible. This way, your packages are not sitting at your doorstep while you are away at work. Another option is to let trusted neighbors know about potential package deliveries and have them retrieve them for you until you return home.

After unwrapping all of your beautiful shiny new electronics, avoid advertising what your family members got you for Christmas by leaving the empty boxes next to the garbage cans. Try to recycle them at the recycling center or cut the boxes into smaller pieces to avoid drive-by window shopping.

The holiday season is when we travel to spend time with family and friends, be sure to secure your vehicles and residence when you leave. Make sure to check your alarm and video surveillance system before leaving town. Let neighbors know you will be out of the area so they can report any suspicious activity.

Please celebrate responsibly, have a designated driver, or use one of the many forms of paid transportation available. ACPD will be out in full force, looking for DUI drivers and keeping our roadways safe.

Lastly, ACPD wants to remind the community that fireworks are illegal in American Canyon and Napa County. Fireworks are an extreme fire hazard, even in winter, and can cause great bodily harm.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Rick Greenberg
Police Chief

Help us solve crimes that occur in your neighborhood! Register your home video surveillance cameras with ACPD.

Click on Images Below to View the "Safer" Series of Tips. Hard Copies are Available at the Police Department.