
Chandler Contigo Movie Night features “Stand and Deliver”

Arts and Entertainment

October 9, 2023

WHAT: The City of Chandler’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Division, in partnership with the Chandler International Film Festival, invite the community to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month and the 35th anniversary of the iconic Latino film, “Stand and Deliver”.

The popular Warner Bros. film starred Edward James Olmos and earned an Oscar nomination as well as six Independent Spirit Awards, including Best Picture and Best Screenplay. It’s also preserved in the National Film Registry of the U.S. Library of Congress. The public is invited to come enjoy an exclusive movie screening followed by a panel of guest speakers.

WHO: Featured guest panelists* include:

Tom Musca, producer and co-writer of “Stand and Deliver”
Betty Ramirez, vice president, Chandler International Film Festival
Niki Tapia, diversity, equity & inclusion officer, City of Chandler
Osvaldo Franko, news producer/on-air talent, La Campesina Radio Network
Moderator: Mariela Gómez, associate board member, Chandler International Film Festival

Panelists will discuss the film’s impact on Chicano representation, evolution of film to be more inclusive and diverse, and the importance of DEI initiatives in entertainment and government. *Note: originally a few actors from the film were confirmed, but they cannot participate due to the current SAG strike.

WHEN: Sunday, Oct. 8, 2023 | 4 and 5 p.m. movie screenings followed by a panel discussion

WHERE: LOOK Dine-In Cinemas Chandler, 1 W. Chandler Blvd.

HOW: Tickets are $10 each and may be purchased online: bit.ly/Contigo-Stand-and-Deliver.