
Bronx Chamber Of Commerce News You Can Use - December 23, 2022

Government and Politics

December 26, 2022

From: Bronx Chamber of Commerce

Bronx Chamber Of Commerce News You Can Use

As the Bronx Chamber of Commerce reflects on Christmas and the holiday season we are reminded that light overcomes darkness. No matter the faith, nearly every religion focuses on light during these dark months of winter.

This past Wednesday was the Winter Solstice - the shortest day of the year when the world is most dark. We could be poetic and align this to global or personal events - let's admit it, this has been a tough year! But we won't. We will focus on the light - the reminder that no matter how dark times may be - there is always light, and that light shines brightest when we are together.

As we prepare to celebrate the holidays - let us look to the message of those holidays - a message of hope, and find light and strength together as we enter 2023.

On behalf of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce we wish you a very Happy Holiday and blessed Christmas!

We are stronger together.


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