
Auburn Chamber Of Commerce Weekly Newsletter - October 23, 2023

Clubs and Organizations

October 26, 2023

From: Auburn Chamber of Commerce

What a clean crisp start to our workweek! We had quite a bit of rain yesterday and it seemed to really do a good job cleaning up around town. We also had our annual Strategic Planning Conference yesterday with our 2023 Board, 2024 Board and Committee Chairs. We had some really great conversations and came up with a LOT of new ideas for 2024. 2024 is going to be an incredible year here at the Auburn Chamber and I can't wait!

We also have quite a bit of fun left in 2023. We have a fantastic networking lunch next week, a great mixer with a new twist on the bar in a few weeks and of course the famous Festival of Lights Parade! We just released the application for the parade on the website on Friday and already have 30 of the 100 spots filled! Make sure if you want a spot in the parade do not wait! This parade always sells out but it looks like it may be quicker this year.

Thanks for your continued support!
Jackie Weston
Chamber CEO

Upcoming Chamber Events

Meddlers Chamber Forum - Tuesday, 7:00am

Meddlers also known as the Chamber Forum is a great way to learn about what's happening in the greater Auburn Area. Also known as Auburn Town Hall, it is a great place to meet new leaders and learn from those leading.

Meddlers is a hybrid between in person in Room 10 at City Hall and Zoom.

Upcoming Speakers:

Bill Poindexter, Auburn Journal

Carolyn Metzger, Lyon Real Estate-Market Update

Jeffrey Tooker- Superintendent of Placer Union High School District


Power Lunch - Wednesday, November 1st

Join us at our Max's Restaurant for some good food and wonderful people to network with!

Speaker: Shannon Quigley, PROTECT, Elder Abuse Presentation

When: Wednesday November 1st
Where: Max's Restaurant & Bar


Members who RSVP before the early bird deadline will have their information included on a contact sheet available for attendees.

November Evening Networking Mixer,
Thursday- November 16th

Join the Auburn Chamber of Commerce and Sharpline Mechanical for a FREE evening of networking with other business professionals.

Bring a raffle prize and have an opportunity to talk about your business in front of the group.

When: Thursday November 16th

Where: Sharpline Mechanical 11905 Dry Creek Rd #7, Auburn, CA 95602


Upcoming Community Events

Downtown Auburns Fall Festival- Saturday October 28th

You will not want to miss this one Lincoln Way. Artisans-Music-Food & Drink, Karaoke, Costume contest for all ages, Bob for Apples, Roast some s’mores, Show your dance moves, Get your photo taken And much much more!

When: Saturday, October 28th

Where: Lincoln Way, Downtown Auburn

Halloween Carnival- October 28th

First Congregational Church of Auburn invites you to the 2023 Halloween Carnival--come join us for a scary good time! There will be carnival games & prizes, a costume contest, a cupcake walk, and so much more! Admission is free!

When: Saturday, October 28th

Where: First Congressional Church 710 Auburn Ravine Road

Scarecrows in Auburn October 16th- 31st

Join the fun by having a scarecrow in front of your business from October 16th to 31st!

Community Calendar

Make sure to add your events to our calendar so they can be added to our newsletter and social media!

Event Submission