
At Town Hall - Live Training Class on invasive weed identification given by staff from DCR - Wednesday, June 29th!

Government and Politics

June 25, 2022

From: Town Of Sherborn

The Farm Pond Advisory Committee has been able to secure staff from MA Dept of Conservation and Recreation to come to Sherborn and deliver a live training class on invasive weed identification.

We are very lucky that this short-staffed organization made time for us!!!I

The class details are:

Wed June 29, from 9 am to approx 10:30 am

Sherborn Town Hall

The free of charge weed watchers class is led by 2 DCR lake reps. The class is a hands-on weed identification class. The DCR staff bring samples of native and invasive non-native aquatic plants that they collect from local lakes right before the class. They start with a brief introduction and then teach a systematic /decision tree method for weed identification. The majority of the class is spent working with a partner to identify various different weeds while the reps circulate and give tips.

It’s a fun and educational class and it is appropriate for kids/ teens. Community Service hours are available for this time.

This class really helps you to feel prepared for monitoring our local ponds for invasive weeds.

Please email [email protected] for more info. We hope to train large team of educated residents who can help us in the  fight against aquatic invasives!