
Apply for the Fine Arts Work Center Fellowship!

Arts and Entertainment

October 10, 2023

From: Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown

Attention emerging writers and visual artists!

2024-2025 Fellowship applications are now open.

Exciting news - the 2024-2025 Fellowship applications at the Fine Arts Work Center in Provincetown are now open! For over 50 years, ten writers and ten visual artists have been selected for our acclaimed seven-month residency from October 1 - April 30.

The Fellowship includes a $1250 monthly stipend plus a $1,000 exit stipend, private accommodations, studios for visual artists, and unrestricted time and space to create.

There are three tiers of pricing for the application process to increase accessibility. The application fee is tiered as follows:

 - $40 from now until November 15 at 11:59 AM,

 - $55 from November 15 at 12:00 PM until December 1 at 11:59 AM,

 - and $65 from December 1 at 12:00 PM until the application period closes

Application fees directly support Fellowship expenses, including Fellows stipends, the maintenance of artist live-work space, and overall administrative support.

The deadline for the Writing Fellowship application is December 15, 2023, while the Visual Arts Fellowship application is February 1, 2024. For further information, please read about the Fellowship and visit our frequently asked questions. To apply, see here.

Kindly forward this email to those interested in the Fellowship or who would benefit from the residency program.