
A Passover Message from James S. Snyder, Helen Goldsmith Menschel Director, The Jewish Museum

Arts and Entertainment

April 27, 2024

From: The Jewish Museum

Just wrapping up at this year’s Biennale in Venice, where the Israel Pavilion has done all of us proud.

Ruth Patir, this year’s artist, together with curators Mira Lapidot and Tamar Margalit, made a moving decision to take ownership of the moment and to keep the Pavilion closed until the hostages are released and there is peace. At that time, the Pavilion will welcome visitors to explore and enjoy the exhibition’s universal theme of (M)otherhood and to appreciate its brilliance and humor. This act of diplomacy and activism could not offer a stronger statement of the role of culture in times like these, resonating with our own action plan at the Jewish Museum where engagement rather than confrontation is at the core of our agenda.

Wishing you and all of your loved ones a Chag Pesach Sameach u’Metukah and looking forward as always to brighter times ahead,

-- James S. Snyder
Helen Goldsmith Menschel Director.