
4th of July Street Fair 2023

Arts and Entertainment

June 8, 2023

From: 4th of July Street Fair

?The Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development, and Visitor Center hosts a 4th of July Street Fair

The Street Fair showcases a large variety of vendors on Second and Washington Streets. Over 10,000 attendees enjoy favorite festival foods, arts and crafts merchants, ?local businesses, ?non-profit organizations, and more.

In addition to the street fair, the events attracting over 10,000 participants are a beer garden, a parade, a fun run, and more.

?Additional 2023 4th of July Events:

The Tri-Lakes 4th of July celebration is a fun-filled day of festivities for the whole family.

Pancake Breakfast - ?The day begins with a pancake breakfast at 7:00 am at St. Peter Catholic Church. Hosted by St Peter's Knights of Columbus.

Palmer Lake Fun Run - A 4-mile Fun Run starts at 7:00 am at the Palmer Lake Santa Fe Trailhead and ends in Monument in time for the parades.

4th of July Parade - A children's parade begins at 9:30 am followed by the main parade at 10:00 am. Both parades are hosted by the Monument Hill Kiwanis Club.

Family Friendly Beer Garden in Limbach Park-The Chamber also hosts a family-friendly beer garden in Limbach Park from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm. Musicians perform in the park from the time the parade ends till 5:00 pm.

Palmer Lake Fireworks and Festival on the 4th - Fireworks at dusk over Palmer Lake (pending Fire Department approval).

Parking in Downtown Monument is extremely limited due to road closures. Spectators are encouraged to come early, park at Lewis-Palmer High School, 1300 Higby Road, and ride the bus to and from downtown.

Inbound shuttle runs from 7:30 am - 9:45 am. Outbound shuttle runs from 11:00 am - 3:30 pm.

Plan on joining us for this special community event.

This is a Rain or Shine event.

Date: July 4, 2023

Location: Various Venues in Monument, Monument, CO 80132.

Click here for more information