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Village of Johnson City

243 Main Street

From the Village Attorney

Many of you have read or heard about a group of citizens in the Village who are seeking the dissolution of the Village. Other citizens in the Village are not in favor of dissolution. This is an important debate with strong feelings on both sides of the issue.

New York State law includes a very specific process for dissolution of a Village. One way the dissolution process can begin is by a petition properly signed and acknowledged or proved by at least one-third of the total number of resident electors residing in the village, qualified to vote at the last general village or special village election immediately preceding the submission of the petition. New York State Village Law § 19-1900. If a petition satisfies the requirements of the law, a village board must appoint a study committee and must follow the entire dissolution process, including a vote by the qualified electors in the Village.

Regardless of your opinion on the matter, always be sure to read and understand any petition that you are requested to sign. In addition, it is a good idea to obtain the name and telephone number of the person circulating the petition to you. If you believe that you have signed a petition in error, or did not understand what you signed, contact the person who circulated the petition to you. If you do not know who that person is or how to contact him or her, contact the Mayor’s office at 798-7861 with your questions.