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Monett Community Church

2101 East Cleveland



The Bible: The Holy Bible is the inspired word of God and is infallible. The books of both the Old and New Testaments, in their original form are inerrant and were given by God to point to Jesus Christ. The study and prayerful meditation of scripture are God's tools for giving us instruction in all matters of life and are the means in which God speaks to us, providing spiritual wisdom and maturity.

God: God is the one true, all-powerful, loving, creator of all life. He is the originator of the universe. He desires, and has provided the resources, for every person to fulfill His plan for their life by coming to a close and personal relationship with Him. He reveals Himself to humanity in three ways: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jesus: Jesus is the only Son of God, and was sent to earth to become human and provide the only acceptable sacrifice for the sin of the world. His ministry was to show us a perfect life and give instruction on how to be freed from the bondage of religion / rebellion and have new life through faith in Him. He lived, died and rose from the dead providing us a living savior.

The Holy Spirit: Prior to the ascension of Christ into heaven, He promised He would send the Holy Spirit as our comforter and as His provision for the conviction of sin.

Salvation: Salvation is the undeserved gift given by God to those who repent and place their faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. This gift is given freely through God's grace. Nothing can be done to earn it other than asking. Nothing can be done to take your salvation away and nothing can be done to lose it. The necessity for salvation was caused by the separation of mankind from God after the rebellion of Adam.
