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Faith Lutheran Church of Somerset

6567 Glades Pike

Mission Statement

To provide a place and experience of worship and prayer for our own members, our neighboring communities, and all people who seek and need God’s presence so that all will hear the Word (preached and taught) and receive the Holy Sacraments (Baptism and Communion);

To provide educational opportunities to teach all people the Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer, the Creeds and the Love and Grace of the Triune God;

To commit ourselves to serve God in our daily lives by caring for the sick, the homebound, the homeless and all those who are unable to care for themselves;

To bear witness to Christ through our involvement in church and community programs, activities and support services so that others may see and experience God’s Love and Salvation, Grace, Caring, Compassion, Nurture and Peace;

To forgive others as God has forgiven us, and always to use our Congregational Gifts to the Praise and Glory of God.

About Us

Faith Lutheran Church was organized March 24, 1968 and was formed by the merging of the Mizpah and Wills congregations. Prior to the time of the merger, on July 2, 1967 the then Wills and Mizpah congregations voted to purchase land, to use as a site for a future church and education building.

The name “Faith Lutheran Church,” by vote of the congregations, was adopted as the name of the newly organized parish on May 26, 1968. Each congregation continued to hold worship services and church school in their original buildings, pending the construction of the new edifice. The Cornerstone laying ceremony was held on October 12, 1969.

Final services were held in the old buildings for the morning worship and church school on June 21, 1970. After vacating the buildings which served the Wills community and the Mizpah community, the dedication of the new building at 6567 Glades Pike, Somerset, was held the afternoon of June 21, 1970.

Listie Lutheran Church merged with Faith Lutheran on June 21, 1987. Since then, all three communities have worked diligently to serve the Lord Jesus Christ under the banner, “Faith Makes a Difference.”
