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Bible Fellowship Church of Olney

1318 East Hall Street

Our Purpose:

Our purpose as a local church is to glorify and worship God. We exist to fulfill this by engaging in ministries that will accomplish two goals: First, we seek to edify those who have trusted in Christ as Savior. Second, we shall strive to be obedient to Christ's command to be witnesses and present Christ to those who have not trusted in Him alone as Savior.

Our Vision:

We desire to edify believers by bringing them to maturity in Christ (Ephesians 4:13). To do this we encourage them in worship, fellowship, prayer and ministry, all of which result from careful study, and being together for the teaching and preaching of the Word of God.

We seek to be obedient to Christ's command to make disciples (Matthew 28:19,20) through praying for the unsaved, using evangelism in our immediate area and partnering with the mission work of others beyond our area.

Core Values:

Who are we? What are the essentials that direct our philosophy of ministry? What do we value as a local body of believers? We hope these seven core values will help answer these questions.

Worship is to be the believer's response to who God is and what he has done. Worship of Almighty God is to be the believer's greatest priority now and forever.

God's Word is the final authority and central to all we do. Through the knowledge of God, as revealed to us in his Word, we find all things that pertain to life and godliness. We believe expository preaching/teaching is the best means to accurately communicate God's truth in its context.

Prayer is the primary means through which God's work on earth is accomplished. It provides the supernatural empowerment for the believer to live a righteous life and to serve God in a worthy manner.

Evangelism - Every believer is to sacrificially love and have compassion on the lost wherever they may be in the world. It is the responsibility and privilege of every believer to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost.

Training - It is the responsibility of the leadership of the local church to be equipping all believers for the work of the ministry through the corporate preaching and teaching of God's Word. In addition, faithful men are to be discipling other faithful men and older women are to be training younger women in a more personal and individualized way. The training of children rests primarily with the parents, but it is the privilege of the local church to assist the parents in the training and nurturing of their children in the Lord.

Service - Each believer is gifted by the Holy Spirit for service in the body of Christ, through the local church. Each believer is to be using these gifts to actively serve in obedience and for fulfillment as a child of God.

Unity - The local church is to love and care for its own. We are all members of one another and are to be continually seeking ways to serve each other in the spirit of love and humility for the benefit of the whole body.
