
Weston Town Hall Happenings for March 31, 2023

Government and Politics

April 3, 2023

From: Town of Weston

Greetings and welcome to March 31’st Town Hall Happenings

Opening Note
Last Saturday night Westonites joined forces to support the Weston Volunteer EMS. To date the community raised more than $150,000 (with more pledges to be received) to celebrate the important work AND the 60th Anniversary of this all volunteer organization. I would like to thank my fellow Honorary Co-Chair, James Naughton who went above and beyond volunteer MC duties, along with all the sponsors, donors, organizers and participants who reminded all of us of how wonderful Weston is and that we really know how to throw a good party!

Budget Overview
On the evening of Thursday, March 30, 2023, the BOF passed adjusted budgets for the Board of Education, Board of Selectmen, debt service and adjusted the revenues for the proposed budget for next fiscal year.  I am very proud of the budget presented. It struck a balance between funding valued services, investing in needed capital projects (many of which are augmented with outside resources), and establishing a mill rate that keeps Weston an affordable place to live. The Proposed Budget calls for a 0.39% mill rate increase. This would be the second year in a row that we would keep the mill rate relatively flat.  It is particularly noteworthy that in a 6.5% inflationary environment our mill rate is being kept in check.

Upcoming Budget Events

-Thursday, April 20, 2023, 7 pm check-in & 8 pm Start – Annual Town Budget Meeting at the Weston High School Auditorium

-Saturday, April 29, 2023, 12pm to 8 pm – Budget Referendum at Town Hall

-Monday, May 1, 2023, 6 pm – Board of Finance meets to set mill rate

Message from the Weston Assessor's Office
The 2023 Revaluation is upon us and inspections started in March 2023.  The areas of Town being inspected will be posted and updated throughout the entire collection process.  Data Collectors will have badges for identification as well as their cars being registered with the Weston Police Department.  They will be taking photos as well as requesting an interior inspection be done at the time of their visit.  If a virtual inspection is preferred, a data mailer will follow when an inspection is not granted and the virtual option can be arranged at that time.  Please click here for more information.

From The Tax Collector
The Tax Collector is currently accepting applications for the Abatement, Deferment and Freeze programs through May 15, 2023 for the upcoming Grand List year. You must apply every year for all programs.  You can request an application from the Tax Collector’s office. Please call 203-222-2696 or email [email protected].

April 4 is Library Giving Day!
Do you love the Weston Public Library? Then join us for Library Giving Day! This one-day online fundraising event will occur on April 4 and we encourage library lovers to make a gift in support of the Weston Public Library anytime now through April 4 by visiting the Friends website at  https://www.westonlibraryfriends.org/donate.  You may also use Venmo: @FriendsoftheWestonLibraryCT. Help us make this Library Giving Day one to remember!

Parks and Recreation ARPA Update
The Parks and Recreation Commission will formally go before the BOS on April 3 to present plans for new Pickleball courts in Town Center. The request is that the BOS refer the project to the Planning and Zoning Commission for a positive 8-24 report.  The project includes improvements in the Town Center. The Parks and Recreation Commission and Department searched for locations where the Pickleball courts could be constructed.  Various parcels were studied and were deemed potentially inappropriate due to either the future planning needs of WPS (Playground area at the Board of Education Administration building property) or the proximity to wetlands or flood plains (Bisceglie-Scribner Park). Other areas were deemed to not have parking capability and needed too much groundwork to clear (property between Hurlbutt core building and the Norfield Church). The proposed location was identified to be the area at the Onion Barn, which has adequate parking in place and is located in central proximity to the Town Hall, School fields, the Parks & Recreation Department and the Senior Center. The Onion Barn location has a flat area currently surrounded by split rail fence and is not used for any specific purpose that can house the exact dimensions needed for two courts to be constructed.   Weston Parks and Recreation will maintain the courts and two portable aluminum bench seating areas will be provided for the facility.  The Town will provide screening to limit the visibility of the courts from the road. The project area is surrounded by the Onion Barn, gravel parking, woodland, and a paved municipal parking lot. The proposed site development includes the construction of new 66' x 66' pickleball courts in an area that currently exists as lawn.  The courts will be surrounded by a chain link perimeter fence with wind screen mesh. To facilitate the pickleball courts, a portion of the gravel parking lot will need to be removed and the emergency gravel access drive will need to be relocated. Evergreen screening trees are proposed to screen the courts from Weston Road.

This project will provide a fun recreation area for the entire town and is adjacent to new sidewalks that connect the school and town campus. The courts are funded by ARPA grant monies and the Enterprise fund.

Social Services ARPA Update
The Towns of Weston, Wilton, and Westport have partnered with Positive Directions - The Center for Prevention and Counseling, to tackle the region's growing need for affordable and timely mental health treatment. Together they developed the Counseling Assistance Program (CAP) with the goal of providing a barrier-free process for the three town's residents to gain access to quality mental health treatment.  Residents wishing to utilize the CAP program must contact their Town's Human & Social Services Department to determine eligibility and explore available supports. For those deemed eligible, an appointment for an assessment will be scheduled with a Positive Directions clinician. This program is open to ages 12 years and up.  For more information about Positive Directions please check out their website at https://www.positivedirections.org/

Weston Social Services 203-222-2663
[email protected]

The Community Connectivity Sidewalk Project Update
This project calls for the construction of approximately 5,500 linear feet of new sidewalk, varying in material type including concrete, bituminous concrete, and stone dust within the Town Center and along School Road. Completion of the project will improve walkability on both the school and municipal campuses, as well as provide students with a safer pathway to and from the Weston Shopping Center. The Town has recently been awarded an additional $484,500 grant to provide a total of  $884,200 under the State’s Community Connectivity Program Grant Program to cover 100% of the construction cost.  The Town is responsible for designing the project, including all costs associated with design which was $40,000. We just had the DOT approve final design and BID documents. The project is out for BID and we anticipate this project to be completed this summer/fall. See here for more information about our pedestrian safety projects. https://www.westonct.gov/government/municipal-departments/public-works/infrastructure-projects/pedestrian-safety-projects

A Message from Lisa Barbiero, School Superintendent
In the aftermath of another school shooting, I felt it important to reach out to our Weston Public Schools community.  A myriad of emotions wash over us as we see the photos of the innocent children and heroic adults who have lost their lives and hear the details about this event. We are angry, grief stricken, and fearful. Parents have reached out to express their concerns. It is overwhelming to consider the impact of such a horrific event to a community. Please know that we take the safety and well being of our students and staff very seriously. The purpose of this letter (found at this link:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/15f_5t1f6OZJMe6jn8hA7LXhlGfMb1F3K/view) is to review information about school security and safety protocols that I provided last fall and to share additional information. 

The next BOE meeting will be in person on Tuesday, April 18 at 6:00 p.m. in the Weston Middle School library.  Safety and security will be on the agenda, and Weston Police Chief Ed Henion will be joining us.

Weston Water Committee Seeks Candidates
At its February 2 meeting, the Board of Selectmen (BOS) established the Weston Water Committee with the initial charge to research and educate the Town about the mechanics and protection of its groundwater.  The Committee will consist of seven voting members to be appointed by the BOS. One member from each of the following Boards and Commissions (5): Board of Finance, Building Committee, Conservation Committee, Planning & Zoning Commission, and Sustainable Weston Committee. And two members from the public at large. Chairs of Conservation, P&Z, and Sustainable Weston are asked to select a current member from their committees to represent their domains. Ideal candidates should have tenure serving on these committees as well as knowledge of and interest in protecting Weston’s groundwater.  Members of the public who wish to express interest in serving on this committee may contact Jeff Farr, at [email protected] or Joe Stromwall, at [email protected] by April 15. Ideal candidates should have one or more of the following attributes:

  • Professional experience in the fields of chemistry, biology, civil/environmental engineering, public relations/outreach, marketing/communications, and adult education/learning.
  • Construction, maintenance, testing of water wells and septic systems.
  • College course work in biology, chemistry, environmental sciences.
  • Former tenure on the Conservation, P&Z, and Sustainability committees.

All candidates will be interviewed by Committee Co-Chairs Jeff Farr and Joe Stromwall and presented to the Board of Selectmen for consideration and appointment to the Weston Water Committee. The committee will also be supported by various advisors from Town government, Aspetuck Health District, and various State agencies. Additional information about the committee can be obtained by contacting Jeff or Joe. 

Lyons Plain Road Pavement Rehabilitation Project
This project, with an estimated construction cost of $2.6 million, will improve pavement structure along a 3-mile long segment of Lyons Plain Road between the Weston/Westport town line and Davis Hill Road.  The pavement rehabilitation proposed includes milling to a depth of 2" followed by a 2" overlay with full-depth reconstruction in select areas.  Bituminous concrete lip curbing will be replaced.  Driveway aprons will be repaved as needed.  Minor drainage improvements along the roadway segment will also be completed.  The State awarded the Town a Local Transportation Capital Improvement Program Grant in the amount of $2.6 million covering 100% of proposed construction costs.  The Town is responsible for designing the project, including all costs associated with design. An information meeting was held on March 6th.  Please click here for more information on the project.

What’s Next in Weston?
The most recent podcasts from the Y’s Men of Westport/Weston features the second episode about the 2023 Revaluation for Weston. The podcast alternates between Westport First Selectwoman Jen Tooker (called Westport What’s Happening) and Weston First Selectwoman Sam Nestor as part of a public service program that offers perspectives from each town every Monday. “What’s Next in Weston”  features First Selectwoman Sam Nestor and special guests.  Every 2 weeks, we will discuss projects, programs and activities in our town in a brief five minute interview. Click here for the Vimeo for the podcast and search for the episodes. https://vimeo.com/807322949

Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation's Spring Afterschool programs, Swim lessons and Summer Camp registration is ongoing- WebTrac Splash   Many camps and programs are filling quickly! We're excited to have added Field Hockey Camp to our programs as well as Fairfield County's premier Ultimate Frisbee camps for this summer; come and join the fastest growing sport in the country! Our Part Time summer staff link is live on our website as well- we're to hire Summer Camp Counselors, Pool/Pond Monitors & Lifeguards & more! Weston Parks & Recreation

Road Work 2022
Road work for 2022 is complete.  See a pot hole?  Please report it by taking a photo and sending to John Conte at the following email address along with description of the location (nearby house address) [email protected]

Board of Selectmen Meetings
Please feel free to Zoom into the virtual BOS meetings, which are always posted on the Town website. Documents, recordings, and minutes are available at:  https://www.westonct.gov/government/boards-commissions/elected/board-of-selectmen

Volunteers Needed for Town Boards
The following appointed boards have positions available: Assessment Appeals, Beautification, Board of Ethics, Marketing & Communications Advisory Group, Commission on Aging, Conservation Commission, Historic District Commission, and Veterans Affairs Committee. Elected position openings are 2 open alternate seats on the Zoning Board of Appeals.

Weston Social Services
We are excited to announce our new monthly newsletter!   Our goal is to provide our families and youth with resources that help promote physical and mental well-being through programming, events, referrals, and advocacy.  Be sure to sign up at the bottom of the page to receive our newsletter each month! Click here for this month's Youth & Family Social Services Newsletter

Weston Youth Services Welcomes Spring and Summer!
With spring recess right around the corner, are you all set for summer? If you’re undecided about your child’s summer plans and are looking for a camp that doesn’t require a long term commitment, then look no further!

Weston Youth Services is excited to be offering children, entering Grades 1-6, a variety of mini summer week long camps from June 26th through the week of July 24th. Camps include Baking, Cooking, Creative Robotics, Video Game Design, Mad Science, Legos, Sewing, and Business programs. We’ve also added an accelerated two-day Sitter Safety program for our older friends. All camps will be held on the School Road campus. Please visit our website at www.westonyouthservices.org to view our catalog for program dates, grade eligibility, costs, details, and to register online.

We’re also collaborating with the Weston Public School District to offer the very popular Youth Summer Theatre camps. This summer, children entering Grades 4-9 can participate in Disney’s Aladdin. Space is limited, so don’t delay. And for our younger friends, come join us for two one-week youth acting camps. All information can be found on our website at www.westonyouthservices.org

And lastly, we have very limited space in our very popular WOW! after school programs that are held for children in Grades K-5 at Hurlbutt Elementary School and Weston Intermediate School this spring. Programs are scheduled to begin the week of April 17th. More information can be found at www.westonyouthservices.org.

Weston Senior Center
To see the full list of Senior Center Programs click here for our newsletter: https://westonseniorcenter.info/content/newsletters/2023MarApr.pdf

The Probate Process with Denise A. Mortati, Attorney at Law

Wednesday, April 5th, 1pm In-House and on Zoom
Please join estate planning and probate attorney, Denise A. Mortati, as she discusses the probate process. You will learn how your assets get distributed to your beneficiaries, and what happens if you die without a Last Will and Testament. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0lf-uoqzIiE9F0Vkvi7XvRkqkexbSYUxZu

Meeting ID: 898 8205 9895 Passcode: 967593
To Register, email Linda: [email protected]

$5 Lunches are the following Wednesdays:
March 29th; April 12th, 26th 11:30am Drive Through at the Senior Center 11:30 am
March 29th –chicken piccata, mashed potatoes, green beans
April 12– chicken pot pies from Calise’s April 26th -pasta Bolognese w/salad

*To Register email Rose: [email protected]

Click Here for more information.