
Weston Public Schools: August 2022 PPS/Special Education Updates

Schools and Libraries

August 13, 2022

From: Weston Public Schools

Weston Public Schools: August 2022 PPS/Special Education Updates

Dear Weston Families,
I hope this letter finds you well and enjoying the summer with your families! I am writing to share several important updates as we move closer to the start of the 2022-2023 school year.

First and foremost, it was an absolute pleasure spending time with many of your children during our Extended School Year program. It was wonderful to share their excitement about the learning process as they practiced skills in reading, writing, and math. I want to thank teachers and related service providers who made the time engaging and fun for our students.

This has been a busy summer for hiring, and we have filled several important positions across the district over the last several weeks. You will hear more about specific hires in each of our buildings from the principals. In addition to our new teachers and service providers, Mrs. Patricia (Patti) Morrow will join us as the Assistant Director of Pupil Personnel Services for Hurlbutt Elementary School and Weston Intermediate School. She begins her new role on Monday, August 15. Her email address is [email protected]. Mrs. Morrow earned her Masters of Science in Communication Disorders from Southern Connecticut State University and her 6th Year Degree in Educational Leadership from Sacred Heart Univerity. Mrs. Morrow served as a Speech and Language Pathologist in the Easton Public Schools and Fairfield Public Schools before transitioning to the role of Elementary Program Facilitator in Fairfield in 2017.

Finally, as many of you know, the State has transitioned to a new IEP system as of July 1 called CT-SEDS. Select staff members and administrators in each of the four buildings have completed the CT-SEDS Expert Training this summer, and we are working collaboratively to adjust to this new platform. Our first parent meeting of the year will be scheduled for September, and the topic will be the new CT-SEDS system. Additional details will be sent to families as soon as the school year begins.

Please feel free to contact me directly if you have any questions.

Thank you, and enjoy the rest of the summer!