
The Florida Democratic Party Commemorates Haitian Flag Day

Government and Politics

May 18, 2024

On May 18th, Haitian Flag Day is commemorated. This date recognizes the creation of the Flag during the Haitian Revolution in 1803. In honor, the Florida Democratic Party issues the following statement:

“More than 200 years ago, the enslaved people of Haiti rebelled against oppression and fought for a free country and a new flag, a fight known today as one of the most important liberation movements in history. On this 221st anniversary of Haitian Flag Day, Florida Democrats honor the Haitian diaspora in Florida and all of their contributions to the life and culture of our state.”

“As Haiti and the United States face deep political divisions and uncertainty about our future, may we all remember the words inscribed on the Haitian flag – “L'union fait la force” – so that we are aware that we are stronger when we are united in the fight for freedom. May that flag continue to inspire Haitians around the world to fight for freedom and hope in all circumstances.”