
'Sunday Afternoon Talks' at Stratford Library - April 2, 2023

Schools and Libraries

March 25, 2023

From: Stratford Library

CT Post Photographer Ed Brinsko Celebrated

The Stratford Library continues “Sunday Afternoon Talks”, its series of informative and entertaining talks featuring prominent local guest speakers, with Jay Misencik, Geralene Valentine and Ed Brinsko, Jr. and their presentation, “ReVisit Bridgeport: Photographs by Ed Brinsko”. The talk and slide presentation will be presented live in the Library’s Lovell Room. It is free and open to the public.

Ed Brinsko was a life-long Bridgeport resident. His career with the Post Publishing Company spanned 43 years. Like the best of early to late 20th century newspaper photographers, Ed Brinsko carried heavy cameras and many rolls of film and then spent hours developing his images in the darkroom. From 1945 to 1988 - with a two-year interlude in the U.S. Army as a reporter with Pacific Stars and Stripes - Brinsko was a photographer for the Bridgeport Post- Telegram.

The images he captured during those years are flash-frozen specimens of times that have passed, a simpler time of post-war relaxation of Barnum Festival Ballyhoo Shows and the comedy of a Jack Benny. But the 50’s and 60’s were passing, and Ed Brinsko was there to document, from the JFK Inaugural Ball in January 1961, to the fiery speech of Malcolm X at the University of Bridgeport on November 21, 1963, the day before Kennedy’s assassination . For the Library talk, Brinsko’s work will speak for itself in a lavish slide presentation: portraits of heavyweight champ Floyd Patterson training in Newtown in 1959, Jane Fonda cavorting at Compo Beach in Westport and, perhaps most interestingly of all: Charles DeStasio - Charlie the Bum - who wandered the streets of Bridgeport for close to 50 years.

The “Sunday Afternoon Talks” series, hosted by Charles Lautier of Stratford, is held from 2-3:30 pm in the Stratford Library Lovell Room, 2203 Main Street in Stratford, CT.

When: Sunday, April 2, 2023 at 2pm

Where: Stratford Library, Lovell Room, 2203 Main Street in Stratford, CT

For further information visit: www.stratfordlibrary.org or call the Library at: 203.385-4162