
Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts - 2022 Sessions

Arts and Entertainment

June 24, 2022

From: Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts

July 11 - 15

The Frog Prince

Deep in the royal swamp, a lonely Frog retrieves a golden ball for Princess Prim in exchange for friendship and comfort. The selfish princess doesn’t want to live up to her part of the bargain and puts her royal Knights on alert. And so the trouble begins. Luckily, Frog gets some good advice from the friends he meets along his journey. Our hero becomes a Prince (formerly known as Frog) and realizes that friendships are made, not bought—and he discovers that it is not what you are but who you are that counts.

July 18 - 22


A strange little gnome appears from here, there and everywhere. He will spin your straw into gold...for a price. If his price is too steep, you must guess his name...RUMPELSTILTSKIN! Join in the fun of Festival Time and help Clara guess the mischievous little gnome's name. This heart-warming tale of mischief and friendship answers more questions than just "What is that little man's name?”

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July 25 - 29

The Little Mermaid

Deep in the salty waters of the Sassafras Sea, there lived a Little Mermaid. Her name was Celia. She lived for music. In fact, it was said that she had the loveliest scales in all of the Deep. Celia and her three sisters were allowed one visit to the World Above, each on their sixteenth birthday, to learn the secrets of life on dry land. Their discoveries included ferocious dragons, advancing armies and, of course, a handsome and resourceful Prince Charming. In a new version of the age-old tale, lots of music, plot surprises and humor await the audience.

August 1 - 5
The Jungle Book
Ever been abandoned in the jungle, adopted by wolves, taught by a bear, befriended by a panther and chased by a tiger? In this musical adaptation, Mowgli the man-cub has all these adventures and more. Join him as he escapes from the Monkey-People, outwits a tiger, enlists the help of a rock-python, explores what it means to be human and learns a lesson from the brave mongoose Rikki-Tikki-Tavi. Original music and rollicking humor give new life to the classic tale by Rudyard Kipling.
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August 8 - 12

Red Riding Hood

Over the river and through the woods to Grandmother’s house she goes. Red Riding Hood, not so little anymore, and her pre-teen pals try to stay on the straight and narrow in this latest adventure. The Big Bad Wolf, who is not so bad after all, and a friendly neighborhood Forest Ranger urge our heroes to stay true to the path, for in the Shadows lurk diversions and a sinister surprise or two. With help from her family and a loyal young Locksmith (he carries the key), Red finds her Grandma and a whole lot more. Life is no picnic when you stray from the trail!

August 15 - 19

Hansel and Gretel

Times are tough for modern-day Hank and Gretchen, ‘til they find themselves deep in the wondrous Wildwood world of Hansel and Gretel. In this original musical adaptation of the Brothers Grimm age-old tale of a journey, there is a secret and a grand adventure. There’s music and laughter and thrills and chills. So join the fun as Hansel and Gretel’s dream is mysteriously blended with real life, and the lessons of one apply to the other. You’ll learn the secret of the Wildwood --- but, shhh --- don’t tell!