
Newbury Town Library Children's Newsletter - July 2023

Schools and Libraries

June 20, 2023

From: Newbury Town Library

Library News

Youth Happenings

Curious Minds STEM Program
Tuesday, July 11 from 2-3pm

A class designed for the curious minds, who like to explore through hands-on challenges. Kids will engage in open-ended real-life problems where they are meant to be the leader! We will explore new questions through trial and error. Kids will have a blast building, creating, and discovering in a playful manner! Come explore with us! Who knows, you may help build your own raft, create the tallest tower, or even build the farthest launching catapult!
Register here!

Coding and Robitics
Wednesday, July 12 from 4:30-6:30pm

Join Code and Circuit from Amesbury for a special afternoon for coding and robotics fun!  You'll have the chance to code robot vehicles, use iPads to code, work with Root robots, and meet Spot, the Boston Dynamics robot dog!
Register here!

Through Me to You Pupetry - Summer Reading 2023
Tuesday, July 18 from 10-11am

Through Me To You Puppetry invites you to join Newton and the gang for some storytime fun! Newton and his puppet friends take turns reading stories and singing songs with the kids. At the end of the show, the kids are invited to say hi to Newton and give him a high-five. They can even play with some of Newton’s puppets during a hands-on Puppet Free Play session!
Register here!

Ongoing Programs

Teen Advisory Board
Tuesday, July 20 from 4-5pm

Help decide what happens at your library! Come join us for pizza and to chat about books and events in the craft room. ?
Register here!

For ages 0-5 (siblings welcome)

Every Tuesday & Friday @10am
Every Thursday @9:30am

Sign up for storytimes on our calendar!

Read To A Therapy Dog
Thursday, July 13 at 2:30
Wednesday, July 19 at 2:30

Come and read to a certified therapy dog! Reading to a therapy dog can help kids work on their read-aloud skills and gain confidence with reading! Sign up for a 15 minute time slot on our calendar.

Sign up on our calendar!

Pokemon Club
Thursday, July 6 at 3:30 (Register)
Thursday, July 20 at 3:30 (Register)

Grab your trading cards, and come join us for Pokemon Club! Recommended for ages 7+.

Friday,  July 7th @ 3:30 p.m.  (Register)
Thurs. July 21st @ 3:30 p.m.  (Register)

Get creative with our huge collection of Legos! Recommended for ages 5+.