
Jonathan Trumbull Library Newsletter September,2023

Schools and Libraries

September 5, 2023

From: Jonathan Trumbull Library

A huge thank you to all of our participants in this year’s hugely successful Summer Reading Program at JTL! We surpassed our goal of signing up 250 people and were so excited to see everyone at the wrap-up party on August 18. It was an awesome summer, full of prizes, critters and creatures, flower arranging, swimming, tai chi, yoga, and more!
 Now, we want to hear from you! Tell us: how did we do? We are already hard at work preparing for an even bigger and better summer next year, and we need your feedback to help us plan! We have a short Summer Reading survey available at the library and on our website during the month of September. Please take a minute to let us know what you most want for next year!
 In addition, we would like to send out a heartfelt thank you to the legacy of the late Winifred Jackson. Winnie was a Lebanon resident and long-time library supporter. We are very grateful for her bequest on behalf of the Jonathan Trumbull Library and hope to use it to honor her memory.

Please tell us how we did.

Fall Foraging:

Edible Wild Plants with 3 Foragers
Tuesday, Sept. 12 at 6:30 pm

Learn how to identify, sustainably harvest, and prepare the wild foods of autumn.

Puzzle & Record Swap
Sat. Sept. 30 11:30 -1:30
Bring your playable vinyl and/o complete puzzles to swap!