
Governor Abbott Statement On U.S. Supreme Court Ruling Against EPA Overreach In West Virginia V. EPA

Government and Politics

July 1, 2022

From: Texas Governor Greg Abbott

AUSTIN - Governor Greg Abbott on June 30th, issued a statement after the Supreme Court ruled against EPA overreach in West Virginia v. EPA:

“I applaud the Supreme Court’s decision to invalidate the EPA’s power grab and rein in this lawless Biden Administration. Texas joined other States in this case to stop D.C. bureaucrats from imposing costly regulations without any authority from the people’s elected representatives in Congress. On June 30th’s landmark victory against an out-of-control administration is also a big win for Americans who worry about skyrocketing energy costs due to expensive federal regulations that threaten our energy industry. President Biden cannot keep attacking the energy industry and the hardworking men and women who power our nation.”