
City of Sugar Creek - Monday in the Creek - August 29, 2022

Government and Politics

August 30, 2022

From: City of Sugar Creek

Are you thinking about weatherizing?
Are you not sure where to start?
Are not sure how much to spend?
Are you worried about finding a competent company?

Check out the weatherizing program offered by:
Community Action Agency of
Greater Kansas City
or call:
816-358-6868 ext 2

You can also stop by City Hall and pick up an application form.


Please visit:

to see all dates, information or to register for a test or a vaccine.

Vaccinations provided by Jackson County Health Department.

Monkeypox is a rare but serious disease causing illness, including a rash or sores (pox), often with accompanying flu-like symptoms.
Most cases in the U.S. have been mild to date, though the infection can be painful.

There is one reported case in Eastern Jackson County, Missouri. There are four cases in the Kansas City Metro area and 1 in Johnson County Kansas.
The following precautions are important:

How it spreads:
Direct contact with infected lesions, rashes, scabs, or fluids
Contact with contaminated materials like clothing or linens
Respiratory droplets from prolonged face-to-face contact (monkeypox is not thought to be transmitted in the same way as COVID-19)
Across the placenta to the fetus among pregnant people

There is a vaccine available to treat Monkey Pox.
At this time, it should only be used for post-exposure and on a case-by-case basis.


The first trash pickup in September will be on Friday, 9/2.

SINCE LABOR DAY is 9/5 and Labor Day is one of the six days that Republic recognizes as vacation days for its employees, you guessed it, trash service will be delayed one day the first full week in September.
Republic WILL NOT pick up trash in Sugar Creek on 9/9, but WILL pick up trash on Saturday 9/10.

The rest of Republic Trash Pickups will be on Fridays.
9/16, 9/23, 9/30

Celebrate LABOR DAY WEEKEND at your favorite Sugar Creek Restaurant or order take out.


Kema's Bakery      816-886-6536
   Tues-Fri 8:00 - 13:00 (That's 1pm!)       
Kross's                 816-254-9494
Peking Express    11330 E. US 24 Hiway
Sugar Inn             816-461-0078
Sterling Bowl        816-252-2111
Taco Bell              11120 E. US 24 Hiway         


According to Hoyle Day -
This day encourages individuals to honor the rules and regulations in particular situations.
It’s also a day to pay tribute to a man by the name of Edmond Hoyle, an Englishman who was thought to be the first technical writer on card games.

National Chop Suey Day

National Lemon Juice Day

National Uprising Day -
The Slovak National Uprising Anniversary is celebrated annually on August 29 to commemorate the Slovak National Uprising, which began on August 29, 1944,
during World War II.

August 29th birthdays!
Michael Jackson
Lea Michele
John McCain
Chris Hadfield - Astronaut

In Honor of Labor Day!

One-seventh of your life is spent on Monday. But the only person to get work done by Friday was Robinson Crusoe!

"It's a recession when your neighbor loses his job. It's a depression when you lose your job!" - Harry S. Truman

My first job was in an orange juice factory, but I couldn't concentrate on the same old boring rind, so I got canned!

Did you hear about the farmer who had never been to the big city? He took his family for a short vacation over Labor Day just to see the sights. His first experience with an elevator was seeing a 90-year old woman walk in and the doors close behind her. When the doors opened back up again, a blonde 30-year old female model stepped off the elevator.

(Look for the answer in the last section.)


August 29
8:00 AM           Walking Club
5:30 PM            Zumba

August 31
8:00 AM           Walking Club
5:30 PM            Zumba

A:   The farmer said, "Son, go get your mother!"