
City of San Marcos Encourages Survey Participation

Government and Politics

September 23, 2022

From: City of San Marcos

City of San Marcos Encourages Survey Participation

The City of San Marcos has launched the National Community Survey to gather feedback from residents on an array of issues including housing affordability, transportation, education, recreational opportunities, and civic engagement. The survey is available in English and Spanish, and responses will be collected through November 4, 2022.

The survey, administered by Polco, will help the City assess the services it provides to residents and allocate future resources to best serve the community’s needs, values, and desires. The National Community Survey is designed to be a comprehensive assessment of what it’s like to be a member of the San Marcos community.

“We know that each member of our community has unique perspectives and experiences that add to our vibrant culture,” said Interim City Manager Stephanie Reyes. “We’re looking forward to hearing what we’re doing well and what our community wants to see changed so that we can continue to build a San Marcos that is inclusive of everyone.”

Survey responses will be collected in two phases. In the first phase, a random representative sample of San Marcos households will receive a notice in the mail requesting participation in the survey. In the second phase, set to begin October 21, community members who did not receive the survey in the mail are invited to provide their feedback by completing the survey online. A link to the survey will be available at sanmarcostx.gov/survey. The surveys provided during both phases are identical and take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

“We encourage everyone in our community to take a few minutes of their day to complete the National Community Survey,” said Mayor Jane Hughson. “The feedback we receive through the survey will inform policies and decision making in San Marcos for years to come.”

The City expects to receive a comprehensive report detailing the survey results in December 2022. Community members will be invited to view the report online and at public meetings.

For more information visit sanmarcostx.gov/survey. For media inquiries, contact [email protected]